This week's episode is titled "If You Don't Like My Story, Write Your Own" and is like a subtle middle finger to those who disagree with Damon Lindelof's vision for the new Watchmen. At least that is how I view it. As the story line gets more interesting I wonder if we're getting more questions rather than answers at this point. Who is Lady Trieu and why is she looking more and more like a female version of Ken Jeong to me as the episode draws to a close last night?
Why is old man Reeves seeking refuge at her place and what secrets do the both of them hold? And what were those flying vehicles doing at the end, were they on a mission to do some destructive things ala Ozymandias 30 years ago?
Great to see Angela finally trusting Glass with her mindblown revelation on Chief Crawford's secret but the real question here is, was Chief Crawford really a member of the racist Kavalry faction or was he holding on to the costume for some one? It'll be interesting to see if Sister Night teams up with the rest of the masked police team to seek the truth about their former police chief.
As we delve more into Adrian Veidt's life, it's becoming more evident that the man is definitely not somewhere on earth or at least, not where we mortal humans are. That baby harvesting scene in the middle of the lake...what's up with that? This mysterious place world that Veidt lives in is like catering to his need to kill as evident from the repeated murders of both his help i.e. Phillips and Crookshank.
Come on, next I gotta know what happened to the Nite Owl and Dr Manhattan HBO!