Here's the latest and probably the last TV spot for the upcoming The Rise of Skywalker film. This one's called 'Fate' and Lucasfilm has dropped several subtle clues about what's coming our way. Well, actually fans have been deciphering the latest TV trailer and came out with some pretty interesting theory.
I'm not gonna go into it all but lemme just point out that during that scene where Kylo Ren is seen to be slicing into someone/something, there is a flash of yellow blaster fire at the background. In the Star Wars universe, blaster fire are usually blue/red/green but yellow is rather rare and can only be attributed to the Mandalorians as per these internet theorists. I can't really say much about it because as my memory serves me, both Jango and Boba had red colored blaster fire (re: Attack of the Clones & Return of the Jedi).
It'll be interesting to see if the Mando we see from The Mandalorian does indeed makes an appearance in TROS or some other Mandalorian bounty hunter from the same guild. If the same Mando appears in TROS then he would have to be one heckuva fit bounty hunter as he would have aged significantly (about 30 years) since the events in The Mandalorian. And how about baby Yoda? Would that play into the story arc of TROS as well? Interesting times indeed to be a Star Wars fan. December 20th can't come soon enough.