My better half commented that The Mandalorian episodes are generally unrelated to one another save for the Baby Yoda factor and I don't think she's very far off. You don't really need to watch the earlier episodes to understand what's going on during each episodes and to me that's a good thing especially for those who wants to catch on the whole Mando hype. But seriously, are there people who're not intrigued by the TV series already by now?
This week's episode follows our favorite Mando to a very familiar surrounding among hardcore Star Wars fans. Right from the moment the Razor Crest flew over that oh-so familiar canyon where Luke, Ben and the two droids stood before they made their way to the hive of scums, to the many references uttered by crazy-mechanic-lady who looked awfully a lot like Tracey Ullman from Men In Tights at the Mos Eisley hangar.
Some might say that this episode spoke directly to the OT fans since there were mentions of womp rats and Beggar's Canyon and that superb re-visit of Chalmun's Cantina. Even that guild-member wannabe, Toro, sat at where Han sat when the infamous shoot out between Greedo and him happened during the events of A New Hope. Han shot first by the way, always.
The speeder bikes, or swoop bikes, are a great nod to the speeder bikes used by the Imperial Scout Troopers during ROTJ or to be exact, the one used by Anakin Skywalker during Attack of the Clones when he went searching for Shmi in the Tatooine deserts. And don't forget that dewback. Such a great fan-service to those who fancy the OT films. Yours truly is very happy indeed.
Perhaps the biggest cliffhanger of all is the identity of the mystery guy who looked over the body of Fennec Shand at the very end of the episode. Several wild theories have sprouted out and I seem to like the one that theorized that Boba Fett might be the one who made an appearance there. The next best fan theory is the one that speculated that Luke Skywalker might even be the mystery figure given his stature as the only Jedi left after the events of ROTJ, so he might probably have picked up the disturbance in the Force when Baby Yoda made his rounds. But Luke's appearance might steal the limelight from ou favorite Mando so that's very unlikely.
Or the mystery guy might just be a random bounty hunter from the guild. That's my killjoy theory for youse fans.
Don't worry, Baby Yoda is very much present in the episode but not as much as he did in previous episodes.