The Rise of Skywalker was GREAT!!! (NO SPOILERS HERE!)

Despite what b*tthurt fans might say about TROS, my family and I enjoyed it thoroughly. What started out with my late father many decades ago finally has its ending with my son and better half tonight when we sat through the fitting finale to the whole Skywalker saga.

By no means it is perfect because I have some preferences of my own too but I think overall JJ Abrams has restored our faith in the franchise and that a sunken ship can indeed be saved. 

I was pretty stoked to see a wee bit of my predictions coming true but most of it were just wishful thinking as Abrams did hold onto something within Rian's vision....i.e. letting the past die.

The film has a bit of everything. New stuff, the nostalgia, fan service, great throwbacks to the original trilogy, you name it. One might say that a fan of the OT could leave the cinema with tears rolling down his eyes.

Abrams did everything he could to please fans from across the fandom but I can already see many jerks posting spoilers on social media this morning, mostly saying that Abrams didn't give THEM the story that THEY wanted. B*utthurt fans.

So pay no attention to the b*tthurts who complained about everything AFTER The Empire Strikes Back because the movie rocks. Go see it for yourself. You might even consider forgiving Rian for whatever he did in TLJ, not that it bothered me much. Now excuse me while I check my diary to see my next available slot to watch TROS again.
