It's that time of the year again. I love to see which of my action figure shots made it to the Best Nine for 2019 on Instagram. This will more or less gauge the type of theme that piqued the interests of my followers/non-followers on Instagram. By no means I am saying that I take perfect toy photos but it'll allow me to see which area I am actually good at and those which I....ehm...suck at.
I'm flattered to see that 8 of the 9 pictures are Star Wars-related pictures and flabbergasted to see that no Marvel-themed pictures made it to the top nine for last year. I have some personal favorites too but those didn't make it on the top nine list. I guess the crowd has spoken and Star Wars shots seem to be my forte?
I had a very slow year in 2019 and most of my diorama-laden shots were taken during the first half of the year. I hope to be back at full speed this year so fingers crossed.
Thanks to those who've been following and liking my pictures. To those who want to check out my IG, my IG handle is the_rebel_toy_collector.