March is almost done and I've just recently realised that I haven't visited my blog for more than a month. So much for wanting to write at least 10 posts per month. Like (almost) all of you I was also very caught up in the Coronavirus hulaballoo and most of my time during early March till now was spent hunting for grocery items from nearby supermarkets. Things have been depleting at breakneck speed thanks to uber-panicky people despite assurances from the government that essential supplies won't run out and that a control is in place to assure people can still get stuff that they need at all times.
We're far from a zombie apocalypse but certain things are sure looking that way in certain places. My son and I, we're also that close to visiting any hardware store (wait a minute, none are open now!) to get machetes or other sharp objects to prepare for any imminent zombie attacks. Come on, deep inside EVERYONE wants a zombie attack to materialise!
You can also say that I've been preparing for times like these since forever. All those time spent watching countless zombie movies all all sorts will bear fruit soon. George Romero has done us a favor since way back then. Thank you George!
"I used to avoid people like they were zombies BEFORE they wear zombies".....good one Columbus. So I'm good in that department myself.
Also, some people have not been giving any r*ss a** about instructions given by the authorities to stay home to break the Coronovirus infection chain. Don't be a jerk. Think of your loved ones. Screw your spring break or mass gatherings for now. Don't be selfish.
Social distancing seems to the word these days (not 'Grease' unfortunately) but some people just can't/don't/won't/couldn't understand the concept and continue to meet the blunt end of a nightstick. I continue to amuse myself daily when I watch the news.
I've also done some things during the partial lockdown thus far and I'll share some of those in my next posting probably. It'll be great to get some sort of interaction going here in my blog but yeah, I have come to accept that blog traffics ain't what they use to be. I'll take any form of communication, whatever i can get.
Stay safe guys. We can pull through this together.