Marvel Legends wish-list - 90s heroes!

Sometime back I've ranted on how it'l be good to get action figures of superheroes made popular by Marvel Comics in the 90s. Being a hardcore comic reader in the late 80s and early 90s, I was exposed to a number of characters which really caught my attention at the time because they were different from the rest of the pack. I won't go into discussion about Image Comics and the 'Magnificient Seven' here (that'll be a discussion for another day) so I'm just gonna stick to Marvel Comics today and in particular this one character that hasn't seen the light of day in neither Toybiz or Hasbro Marvel Legends line.

First of all I am so grateful that we've seen Darkhawk in the Hasbro ML line ( I think he came in the second Guardians wave, or was it the first wave? Can't really recall). I remember collecting the limited comic run in the 90s and was totally blown away by the art and gimmick of the final issue i.e. #25.
And then Deathlok came in the Sasquatch BAF wave but for some unknown reason I stil haven't gotten him into my collection. For the record Deathlok made his 1st appearance in the 70s so technicaly he wasn't a 90s creation but for me he really hit his peak in the latter decade. The 90s was also when I first took him seriously and made him a hard hitter amongst the other Marvel Comics heavyweights.

What made me cheesed off is the fact that Hasbro has still yet to make a Sleepwalker figure for their Marvel Legends line!

If you've read comics in the 90s then chances are you've heard or at least had come across the character. To me Sleepwalker is a unique character even by today's standard and this alone makes him a must-have for the ML line.

The Sleepwalker is one of many from a race called the.....*drumroll*....'Sleepwalkers' from another dimension called the Mindscape and somehow during a battle with one of his arch-nemesis, he was thrown into our dimension through a host body of one Rick Sheridan. The gig is that Sleepyhead could only materialize in the real world when Rick asleep, although down the road both co-existed and can appear at the same time.

Sleepwalker has teamed up with many other Marvel Comics superheroes including Spiderman and even Darkhawk himself. Together they battled many of the heavyweight villains including the Kingpin (pun intended!).

I really remember Sleepyhead's villain called 8-Ball. I thought he was kinda cool at the time.

On another note, I also think that Sleepwalker looks a lot like a Duro from the Star Wars universe.  Could they even be the same race?
Anyway, here's hoping that Hasbro notices my plea and release a Sleepwalker for our ML collection soon. Fingers crossed!
