If you're a basketball fan and spent the 90s awed by the awesomeness of the Chicago Bulls team which had won 5 straights NBA Championship titles from the 91/92 season up to the 96/97 season, then chances are you're aware of Netflix's documentary called The Last Dance. The Last Dance is a catchphrase coined by the then head coach, Phil Jackson as they embark on a last season together on their quest for a sixth title in a row.
Like many other basketball fans in the 90s, I had many heroes to look up to at the time. Charles Barkley, Patrick Ewing, Isaiah Thomas, Hakeem Olajuwon, Shawn Kemp were among my favorites at the time. But nothing came near to the greatness of the 90s Chicago Bulls team. They won 5 straight titles in the decade and they were definitely the Boston Celtics of the era.
That Jordan-Pippen-Rodman combo.....was just exhilarating to watch!
The Last Dance is only up to Episode 2 at the time of typing this but you should really check it out because it gives you an insight on how the mighty fell because of certain individual's personal ambitions. Depressive to watch, yes.....but I felt that I owe it to myself to watch the series right till the end to see how one of the greatest sports team ever fell to its feet due to 'corporate decisions'.
Where's my Episode 3, Netflix?