I'm pretty much still at home most of the time with the fam while the whole of Klang Valley (that's 2 whole states in Malaysia) is under lockdown so here's my chance to catch up on things...which loosely mean watching more movies via online streaming (what else).
A Quiet Place 2 - This was always on the top of my 'to watch it once it gets released' list ever since the 1st movie ended with so much promise and this movie didn't disappoint. The acting of both Blunt and Krasinski (albeit a short while) continue to impress and the story takes you exactly where you wanna go end-of-the-world style. It's always nice when survivors of the apocalypse meet other survivors in the sequel whom you have know information of in the first movie. You also get the back story of the alien invaders. Predictable, yes....but the finale leaves you wanting more.
Black Widow - truth be told, I didn't have much expectations on this one but in the end the movie turned out into such a popcorn fun ride I almost got mad at myself for not giving this one a chance before I even saw it. Most would watch this for the origin story and how Nat and her sister first got embroiled in the whole KGB-infused agenda but I was there for Chief Hopper (David Harbor). Inevitably, a worn-out has-been hero will give you that comedy but The Red Guardian happens to be the perfect balance to an otherwise serious movie. I love this one and it really is a great addition to the MCU catalogue. Don't forget to stay for the very end credit scene (which ties up nicely to the continuation of the 'Black Widow' brand in the MCU).
The Tomorrow War - Those who haven't watched the new Chris Pratt movie, please do so with immediate haste. Just like my affection towards gore zombie movies, I have a knack for time travelling movies. This movie isn't just about time travelling, of course. It tackles the issue of second chances and Chris Pratt gave an amazing performance in the lead role as always. Thing that shocked me most wasn't the visual effect of the movie but rather how ripped JK Simmons was in the role of Chris Pratt's character's father. Is it just me or the dude trimmed down his physique a little bit from his last Jurassic Park movie?
Loki series' Episode 5 - We finally get to know every each of the Loki variants we last saw at the very end of Episode 4 and their back stories. Richard E Grant was superb in his role as the old/classic Loki (gotta love the comic accurate get up!)
...and we also got to see MORE Loki variants.
What's interesting was that both Loki (the original) and Sylvie (also Loki but a variant, but we're not gonna call her Loki at any point to avoid confusion yeah?) discovered a castle/citadel at the end of the episode to which I'm guessing, is where the mastermind of the TVA is at. Please let it be Kang the Conquerer.....I wanna see that Fantastic Four teaser!!!
Star Wars: The Bad Batch Episode 11 gave us that link between Star Wars: Rebels and the the boys. The boys actually had little screen time in this episode as the writers choose to give a back story on how Hera Syndulla first dipped her finger in the world of rebellion. Quite a good episode but it didn't do justice to the protagonists of the series, to which the series is named after.
On the action figure front, I'm really looking forward to get the recently announced Marvel Legends Retro Hercules figure. This one is due to come out in fall later this year. I kinda gave the original Hasbro ML Hercules a pass because he didn't really look like the Herc I knew from my relentless comic book reading back in the 90s. The Toybiz-esque packaging is just icing on the cake and I can foresee many collectors who'd want this solely for the card art.
My team Italy won the Euro 2020 tournament a couple of days ago...hurrah! Such a sweet victory considering that they weren't even tournament favorites at the very beginning of the competition (although many England fans would detest this fact). Off to the World Cup qualifiers next!
Also great to see Phoenix Suns doing great in the 2021 NBA Finals. They're 2-1 up against the Bucks and Game 4 is starting in a about 7 hours or so. Hope CP3 can continue the momentum and win the series in 4 (wishful thinking). Been a while since I really followed the NBA (or basketball in general) but my interest has piqued again in recent times when my son got really interested in the game. I was an ardent supporter of the Suns back in the 90s (totally dig that bright purple jersey with the popping Sun logo!) and seeing them back in the contender seat (something they couldn't achieve since the Steve Nash days) brings warmth to my heart. Further more I was told that they are many Giannis Antetokounmpo fans in Malaysia so it'll be great to see the Suns beat the team with the trending player (*schucks*).