Well, first of all...sorry if you haven't caught this one yet, but if you're that Star Wars-crazy fan, chances are you'd watched this already by now.
Tell me there's a more epic introduction to a Star Wars live-action series that what we've seen in The Book of Boba Fett first episode on Disney+ (Disney Hotstar for us here in Malaysia). The Mandalorian's first episode was good but not as explosive as Fett's. Ok, to be fair there are only a couple of Star Wars live-action series thus far but we can already see which one had a more epic opening scene. Let's see what the upcoming Kenobi and Endor series bring us.
Right, back to THAT opening scene....
We get to see Boba healing in a bacta tank at Jabba's Palace (we really should stop calling it Jabba's because there's a new management in the house right now) having sporadic dreams and flashbacks about scenes from Attack of the Clones and....*drumroll*....what it was like inside the bowels of the mighty Sarlacc! Holy Lucas.....INSIDE the Great Pit of Carkoon!
Many years ago, during the height of the Expanded Universe novels in the 90s, I'd always envisioned Boba finding many things inside the bowels of the Sarlacc that'll eventually help him escape. Imagine the surprise on my face when Boba actually stumbled across the corpse of an Imperial Stormtrooper! Ok, he didn't use anything from the corpse to escape but he did make use of the breathing apparatus to get that much needed gasp of air....close enough!
And that destroyed Jabba's Sail Barge..oohh what a sight! Makes me kick myself over and over again for not backing Haslab's Sail Barge a couple of years ago. How was I to contain myself when knowing that it was a direct continuation of what we saw last in that Return of the Jedi opening scene. But just how long did Boba stay in the bowels of that Sarlacc? Maybe we'll get an answer sometime down the road...or maybe not.
On the downside, the story arc from the first episode effectively dashed us EU novel fans' hope to see Dengar helping Boba/Jester Mereel escaping the Sarlacc. That's ok in my books because I seriously think Dengar's going to make an appearance anyway sometime in the later episodes although not being as central as a character as opposed to Fennec Shand who is now Boba's right-hand man...err...person.
I'm guessing there'll be new action figures of the Tusken Raiders since now we know they also appear in a more ceremonial/upper-class garb. I like how they now resemble more of a clan akin to those from the Game of Thrones. House of Tusken...heh. And how about those ninja-like assassins in Mos Espa? Troop builder packs please, Hasbro!
Episode 2 next week can't come fast enough.