Afterthoughts on Episode 5 of The Book of Boba Fett

How is it even possible for a 'Book of Boba Fett episode to be dubbed as the best of the season thus far without even having Boba Fett in it? Apparently very possible. Episode 5 of TBOBF is technically Episode 1 of Season 3 of The Mandalorian, don't you agree? Let's face it, most of us are still clamoring for new episodes of Din Djarin's adventures, with or without Grogu. 

Bryce Dallas Howard (that's Ron Howard's daughter, or the actress who played Claire in the Jurassic World franchise or Gwen Stacy in Sam Raimi's Spidey-verse) continued her excellent directorial streak from The Mandalorian series into TBOBF. Some are even calling out for her to be given a full Star Wars movie to direct. I say give it to her already. Maybe it'll be better than her old man's effort on Solo.
Just when you thought that the Klatoonian massacre opening scene was epic enough, you'd immediately treated to a fight between two Mandos vying for the darksaber under the watchful eyes of The Armorer. I love how The Armorer's trying to re-establish the whole armory thing underneath the huge city space station. 

The Armorer's storytelling slash flashback immediately took us back to the time when the Empire was hell-bent of carrying out purges to clean off any dissidents. Those TIE Bombers bombing Mandalore was a sight to behold.

And what about that gun toting droids blasting away all known lifeforms on Mandalore? I never knew before this that the K2S0-type droids can or have been used for genocidal purposes by the Empire. In fact, that scene immediately reminded me of......

That opening scene in Terminator 2: Judgment Day....a huge nod to James Cameron's vision I'm sure!


Next up is that N-1 Naboo Starfighter which were originally hand-made to perfection by order of the Queen of Naboo herself (Amidala or her predecessor?). I have a soft spot for The Phantom Menace so obviously my heart skipped a beat when I saw the shape of the starfighter underneath the sheet over at Peli Motto's yard. Better than the Razor Crest she said! That test drive through Beggar's Canyon stirred up many nostalgia of watching the podracing scene in TPM.

How about that familiar X-Wing pilot from The Mandalorian? Nice to see Appa (Paul Sun) back in the role. He's even funnier this time around as he gave a reality check to a junior pilot on the unnecessary need for paperwork back at base.

Before I sign off, need I remind everyone that the Beskar gift item ordered by Din Djarin is wrapped in a piece of cloth that resembles Grogu himself? I think we're gonna see Djarin visiting Grogu at the beginning of Episode 6 if the next director's kind enough to give us more Din Djarin screen time. Kudos to Bryce Dallas Howard for Episode 5!

