Retrospectively speaking, most Star Wars fans waited to watch Revenge of the Sith to witness the climactic battle between Obi Wan Kenobi and a freshly Sithed-up Anakin Skywalker. I remember fondly dressing up with some friends as a bunch of Jedi for the 2005 premier here in Malaysia as we attended the midnight screening with other screaming hardcore fans at a nearby cinema in town. Most were heard chatting away with another at the waiting hall before the movie started, about how everybody had sleepless night envisioning how the final battle between apprentice and master was going to go down. But I was really looking forward to something else, even more than the pivotal Ani-Obi battle....that rumored Yoda-Palpatine showdown!
For years, since we first laid eyes on Yoda, in that Dagobah scene in The Empire Strikes Back, we never thought that one day this pint-sized Jedi master was eventually going to be portrayed in the sequels fighting Siths with his (also) pint-sized lightsaber. Not bad for some swamp-dwelling hermit I say. But who would've guessed way back in '80 that we'd be seeing this unknown green Jedi alien jumping around like a mad-man in the sequels. Yoda first surprised us all in that fight scene with Count Dooku at the end of Attack of the Clones and almost immediately the rumour mill exploded with hints that he'd be engaged in yet another fight in Episode III.
I took out some of my action figures last night and began re-imagining that fight scene for my toy photography session. That scene still resonates well in my inner geek cerebral sanctum and throughout the years since the prequels ended, I came to appreciate Episodes I - III even more. Yes, even Episode I (back off haters! LOL).
Now excuse me as I crack out my Revenge of the Sith blu-ray for another re-watching.