The internet is already buzzing with a wild rumor that the upcoming Doctor Strange's Multiverse of Madness movie is gonna feature a cameo from a fan favorite Marvel character. Makes sense for Marvel Studios to continue injecting new characters previously exclusively own by other studios e.g FOX/SONY in the wake of the No Way Home explosive cameos from the two previous Spidermen.
If you've been constantly hounding the internet for any MCU-worthy news like your truly then chances are you'd already discovered by now about that strong rumor about John Krasinski playing Reed Richards from the Fantastic Four. Funny thing is, the netizens have been casting him as the perfect choice to play the leader of the FF for the longest time. If this rumor is indeed true then Marvel Studio has given a fan service by adhering to the long-time casting choice made by online fans.
I must say that I like Krasinski's acting skills since the days of Jim Halpert from The Office. He proved that he can carry serious roles in the 'Quiet Place' movie franchise. I think he's rather perfect as Reed Richards. They're also saying that Krasinski's Richards in appearing in his capacity as the member of the Illuminati as per the Marvel Comics continuity.
Another noteworthy point to ponder from the rumor mill is that Krasinski's Richards is going to be a variant of Reed Richards aka not the one that belongs in the current MCU lineup. Still a rumor. Some are even saying that he's the real deal and that another 'variant' Reed Richards could very well also make an appearance in the 'Madness movie, played none other by......
....who else but Ioan Gruffudd, Reed Richards for that Jessica Alba/Chris Evans/Michael Chiklis FF movies, which I thought were wonderful in their own right. Hey, any Marvel Movies that featured Stan the Man are usually great, right?
So what the heck happened to Miles Tellers' Reed Richards then? There ain't any mention about his version of Richards appearing in 'Madness, possibly because the movie tanked miserably at the box office. Having said that I kinda enjoyed the movie for Teller's performance if not for anything else. Stan Lee didn't even appear in that 2015 FF movie so that's saying something.