I was late to hop on the Peacemaker HBO Max train, specifically because I didn't place much hope on it. I mean what else can they tell us about some guy wearing a toilet seat on his head, right? Apparently there's a whole lotta backstory prepared for the guy (I can't say much about the accuracy to the comic because I haven't read any of it before) so that's enough to stretch it over a season (or two) while he fights some alien invasion.
First up, that dance intro is just perfect. There are a lot of classic rock songs throughout each episode so one can't help to draw comparison between Peacemaker's taste in music with that of Star-Lord from Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy.
Peacemaker is currently up to Episode 6. We've already seen a great deal of happenings already at this point to know what Peacemaker and his gang of misfits are up against. I think his accidental sidekick, Vigilante, is very similar to Kick Ass.
If you remember John Cena's Peacemaker, then you'll probably remember that he's the one that killed Rick Flagg in the second Suicide Squad movie. So basically the series starts off with Christopher Smith (Peacemaker's real name) going through a phase of regret and redemption. There's a bunch of flashbacks too so you know that the series is a direct continuation to the recent Suicide Squad movie.
There's definitely a Deadpool comedy vibe to the series but leaning more towards the adult audience so don't watch the series with kids! The violence and inappropriateness remind me a great deal to The Boys but the comedy is better. Can't wait to see how the season ends. I can already foresee a second season confirmed in the horizon.