Talk about an explosive season finale. I have to admit, I enjoyed the Peacemaker series more than I expected to. Personally I think John Cena does great comedy. And who knew Robert Patrick can whip out his own brand of dark comedy too. I had my moments when I thought Peacemaker was going to betray his team upon hearing that saving-the-world speech from Goff, but luckily he came to his senses.
I was relieved that they didn't go down the 'aliens were the good guys all along' storyline because that would have been the ultimate anti-climax of an otherwise great story arc. But they need to explain about how Judo Master ultimately bought into their propaganda and how it impacted the dude who himself was seen crying at the end of the episode.
Peacemaker and gang is more of an anti-hero outfit than actual heroes. This ain't your typical run-of-the-mill DC TV series so don't expect a family friendly ride. James Gunn had finally given us a DCEU series that is worthy and at par with those of Marvel Studios. Speaking of Marvel, them Marvel Studios peeps had a hand in producing the cameo scene below....
Word is that even Jason Momoa himself was all cracked up while filming the cameo scene. That exchange between Peacemaker and Aquaman was the comedy we needed at the very end. I later learnt that only Momoa and Ezra Miller came back to reprise their JL roles hence explaining the no-show of faces by Wonder Woman and Supes.
Also glad to hear that Peacemaker is getting a Season 2.