Retro comic ads

I recently embarked on a great comic purge (but let's not get too crazy because I'm just trimming and downsizing the collection) and inevitably I had the chance to flip through some of my older comics from the 80s and 90s. Remember those cool ads that literally made you stop reading whatever storyline you were previously so engrossed about? So I was thinking of sharing some of the most memorable ones for me. Perhaps by sharing several at any one time so as not to overload your nostalgic memory of the decades gone by.

I can literally remember those lazy afternoons back in the day, just flipping away comic pages and occasionally stopping at the cool ad pages because they were promoting other geek culture stuff apart from the one you're already holding in your hand.

So here's a few to start off my quest to share my favorites from the lot.....

I think they were promoting version 3.5 at the time. That dragon fighting the fighter? Deserves to be on a t-shirt!

It was a great time to be a Marvel fan because it was not solely about the comics, you'd get to see animated series of your favorite characters as well!

You can't go wrong with a Nintendo advertisement...classic!

How about taking some of your favorite arcade games home? Sure, just fill up the form and mail it to the publisher who hopefully WILL notice your envelope amongst a sea of other envelopes!

I love me some Bill & Ted video games. Quick, run to your store now to get it!
