Original 16mm Star Wars opening scene presentation

I think this original 16mm 1977 Star Wars opening deserves to be seen at least once by every living Star Wars fan, just because. From that sweet classic screen crackling and that almost mono (I think it was already stereo at the time) opening theme sound right up to that Star Destroyer entrance, there are enough here already to stir up that nostalgic feeling in anyone who's been a Star Wars fan in their lives. 

This movie however was shown quite late in the cinemas on my shores but even then I was still a tiny wee lad to be taken into the cinema hall (my first Star Wars cinematic experience was ROTJ in '83 mind you) so I was pretty sure I watched this on VHS. Back then no one complained of how the sound or picture quality weren't of 4K-quality. Sheesh. Take me back to simpler times. 

Star Wars (it will always be called so in my mind instead of A New Hope) will always be one of my go-to film whenever I feel down in the dumps. So this takes me back to the days when I insert my battered VHS tape into my VCR player back in the 80s.

Thank you user SG10 Film Archive from youtube for this great piece of Star Wars history. 

Note: If the video above doesn't work for some reason, click on the link below to immediately go to the Youtube page to view the 16mm opening scene:

