These series of pictures were taken from the current San Diego Comic Convention (SDCC 2009) preview night (22nd July) on display at Sideshow Collectibles' booth. Man, I'd like to attend the SDCC one day! Those who're lucky enough can feast their eyes viewing all those newly/yet-to-be released toys before anyone else does!
I strongly agree with a fellow blogger buddy that says that "The Watchmen Hot Toys line is not everyone's cup of tea." So I don't expect to see many collectors rushing in line to pre-order this one. I think there would be a mild response to both Silk Spectre and The Comedian. Heck, I wonder if Hot Toys would even bother to continue producing the rest of the gang (Ozy, Rorsharch, Nite Owl and Doc Manhanttan) should their first two offerings fail to generate big bucks.
Credits for the pictures goes to