Cool geeky stuff found!

Zombies vs Zombie Hunters

Was just strolling through a well-known book store the other day with my son when I came across the toy section (way to go, a book store has a TOY section. Not complaining!). In fact, my 4-year old first noticed both of these items before I did. He absolutely loves both Star Wars and The Walking Dead so naturally he was ecstatic when he saw both the Zombies vs Zombie Hunters 'army men-style' figurine pack and the Death Star plushie below.
From my 'net search, that zombie pack is produced by a company called EMCE Toys, which also produces cool MEGO-like zombie-themed action figures. Not a bad idea eh? Zombie-themed action figures sounds good. Now if they can just produce 3.75" or 6" scale zombie figs....that would be just awesome.
Mighty, mighty tempted to pick up that zombie 'army' figurines......

Death Star plushie
