MOTU Classics is a GO for 2014! Thank God!

MOTU Meter @ 20 Aug '13
Matty is famous for making us Masters of the Universe Classics fans quiver and tremble till the very last minute. The fate of the line depended on how many people actually subscribe to the line thus ensuring that Matty meets the budget cost bla, bla, bla...I don't wanna bore you with the financial stuff. I'm just glad that the MOTU Classics line (i.e. Club Eternia) is safe for (at least) another year, thus would enable us to get some of the last few core characters needed for our collection. Yes, I'm looking at you Two-Bad, Rio Blast, Extendar etc. Seems that the line was purportedly oversubscribed by 15%, bringing the total subscription for 2014 to 115%. Great news indeed.
Honestly I don't really give a jack about that DC subscription (they didn't make it either at just 63% but Matty is still gonna produce those DC figures at quarterly intervals it seems) but I'm kinda bummed the Ecto-1 didn't come to fruition (it didn't even reach 40%...*boo!!!*). Man I was really looking for that hearse for my Ghostbusters shelf! Oh well, guess you just CAN'T win 'em all with Mattel!
