Pixels short film

Like I said before, the restricted movement order (RMO) imposed by my government to break the Covid-19 infection chain meant that many of us are confined to the boundaries of our own homes for the unforeseeable time period. Yours truly had managed to re-watch many classic movies ever since and I'd like to take a moment to talk about the movie Pixels (2015) that starred Adam Sandler, Kevin James and Peter Dinklage among others. Truth be told, I would've watched the movie again and again even if the world wasn't in a state of lockdown/partial lockdown anyway.

Many peope have only bad things to say about the 2015 movie saying that it deviated a lot from the source material aka the short film that you can watch at the very top of this post. Seriously, an hour plus long movie is kinda EXPECTED to deviate a lot from its source material which running time never exceeded 5 whole minutes in the first place. 

The short film by Patrick Jean has a very serious undertone aka invasion and total annihilation by the extra-terrestrials. Watch it till the very end and discover how the whole world is eventually pixelized i.e. there is no happy ending in Jean's short film. If you're into that sort of things then go ahead and make your call. Nobody is forcing you to like the 2015 movie anyway.

My family and I love Adam Sandler's movies and comedy is our favorite genre. Seeing Peter Dinklage in a hilarious role as The Fireblaster is also one of the reason the film is a constant watch every once in a while. 

As a kid who went through his best years in the 80s/90s, I can relate a lot to the pixelated games of yore.

My point is, to each their own. If you're not that into comedy, then I don't blame ya for not liking the 2015 movie. Now excuse me while I go pop in that Blu-Ray disc again.
