Recent geeky acquisitions.... on January 29, 2012 haul and acquisitions +0 the rebel speaks haul and acquisitions the rebel speaks
MOTU Classics' Wind Raider! on January 23, 2012 classic cartoon series Masters of The Universe + the rebel speaks classic cartoon series Masters of The Universe the rebel speaks
Hot Toys Batman Returns likey!!! on January 18, 2012 1/6th scale DC Comics movies teaser the dark knight + the rebel speaks 1/6th scale DC Comics movies teaser the dark knight the rebel speaks
Hot Toys' Keaton Bats preview pics! on January 16, 2012 1/6th scale hot toys teaser + the rebel speaks 1/6th scale hot toys teaser the rebel speaks
Hot Toys Mark I ver. 2.0....GET!!! on January 14, 2012 1/6th scale geek wish list hot toys + the rebel speaks 1/6th scale geek wish list hot toys the rebel speaks
Marvel Universe Comic Pack WITHOUT the comic! WTF?! on January 08, 2012 3.75" comic marvel +0 the rebel speaks 3.75" comic marvel the rebel speaks
More money for Hot Toys later this year......*dammit!* on January 07, 2012 1/6th scale avengers hot toys marvel teaser + the rebel speaks 1/6th scale avengers hot toys marvel teaser the rebel speaks
KRE-O-tastic Transformers! on January 02, 2012 classic cartoon series the rebel speaks toys + transformers classic cartoon series the rebel speaks toys transformers
New Year Resolutions........wish-lists, of recent haul & whatnots! on January 01, 2012 1/6th scale geeky nerd talk +2 haul and acquisitions hot toys sideshow teaser the rebel speaks 1/6th scale geeky nerd talk haul and acquisitions hot toys sideshow teaser the rebel speaks
New Year Tease from HT.....Iron Man Mark I 2.0!!! on January 01, 2012 1/6th scale hot toys +0 teaser 1/6th scale hot toys teaser