Benefits/needs of the many versus the whims and wants of the few.... on January 28, 2009 inner-writer syndrome my opinion +0 rants inner-writer syndrome my opinion rants
Butterfingers finale @ Istana Budaya 17-18 January 2009 on January 27, 2009 grunge guitar music +0 my opinion grunge guitar music my opinion
Hot Toys' Nurse Joker....(What the...?!) on January 21, 2009 geek wish list my obsession the dark knight + toys geek wish list my obsession the dark knight toys
Movie Masters Two-Face figure!!!!! on January 21, 2009 geek wish list my obsession the dark knight + toys geek wish list my obsession the dark knight toys
The 2009 wish-list of a Geek action-figure enthusiast!!! on January 12, 2009 geek wish list my obsession +0 toys geek wish list my obsession toys
Give peace a chance!!! on January 08, 2009 inner-writer syndrome my opinion +0 rants inner-writer syndrome my opinion rants
Crappy action-figure v.2009, the list starts now....say hello to Playmates' Terminator: Salvation toys!!! on January 06, 2009 movies +0 toys movies toys
Blyth Spartans 0-1 Blackburn Rovers....What the h***?!!!! on January 06, 2009 blackburn rovers +0 football blackburn rovers football