Random Beatles moment: Hello Goodbye on September 30, 2009 guitar guitar gear talk music +1 my obsession random Beatles moment the beatles guitar guitar gear talk music my obsession random Beatles moment the beatles
Star Wars: Clone Wars Season 1 on DVD and Blu-Ray: ETA Nov 3, 2009! on September 29, 2009 animation classic cartoon series clone troopers + star wars animation classic cartoon series clone troopers star wars
Star Wars action-figure snapshots of the day: Mustafar Duel & 'Them Clonies'.... on September 27, 2009 3.75" action-figures diorama +5 geeky nerd talk movies my obsession my opinion rants star wars SW action-figure snapshots of the day toys 3.75" action-figures diorama geeky nerd talk movies my obsession my opinion rants star wars SW action-figure snapshots of the day toys
Cool Star Wars posters/images.... on September 27, 2009 humour movies +0 star wars humour movies star wars
DC Universe Classics action-figures.....when the heck is Wave 9 coming in? on September 27, 2009 action-figures DC Comics geek wish list + toys action-figures DC Comics geek wish list toys
MMS DX Joker: Final Headsculpt pictures released! on September 26, 2009 1/6th scale action-figures movies the dark knight + toys 1/6th scale action-figures movies the dark knight toys
X-Men: First Class to start filming in 2010?! on September 17, 2009 comic movies rants +0 x-men comic movies rants x-men
Star Wars: Legacy Collection 09/10....more pictures! on September 15, 2009 action-figures my obsession star wars + toys action-figures my obsession star wars toys
Star Wars Novel: Death Troopers on September 13, 2009 book review geek wish list +1 geeky nerd talk movies my obsession my opinion rants star wars book review geek wish list geeky nerd talk movies my obsession my opinion rants star wars
The Star Wars: Clone Wars Diorama contest by HASBRO! on September 10, 2009 3.75" action-figures contest movies my obsession rants star wars + toys 3.75" action-figures contest movies my obsession rants star wars toys
The Beatles catalogue: Remastered! on September 09, 2009 geek rockers music my obsession my opinion rants + the beatles geek rockers music my obsession my opinion rants the beatles
I may have contributed to George Lucas' retirement fund yet again!!!! on September 09, 2009 3.75" action-figures movies my obsession rants star wars + toys 3.75" action-figures movies my obsession rants star wars toys